
How to turn off subtitles in potplayer
How to turn off subtitles in potplayer

how to turn off subtitles in potplayer how to turn off subtitles in potplayer

Pause playback after minimized: T minimize automatically pause playback, restore the window to continue playback, if you want to play in the background, just use other programs to cover Potplayer behind. PlayĪutomatic update: do not use automatic update, portable version not requiredĭownload the update file in advance: F Same as aboveĪll windows are minimized when minimized: F prevents clicking the minimize button of the main window to minimize other windows (such as the option window)

how to turn off subtitles in potplayer

If you don’t need to watch multiple movies at the same time, just set it like this, otherwise opening a file during playback will open a new window. Multi-processing method: Single process is selected and played. Similar file strategy: Open all files at the same time, that is, when opening a file, other supported files in the same folder are also added to the playlist When the status bar is not automatically hidden in full screen, it is not recommended to set here This is to set whether the interface is always in the forefront. The most front-end method: Do not use the most front-end function. Potplayer basic tuning tutorial 1.0 Basic

How to turn off subtitles in potplayer