There are three versions to this save file. I would recommend default skin or default eyes at the least as this helps update their look majorly without the need for a ton of cc. While the original intent is for this save file to be played with cc for the sims, there is an option for cc free sims, but be aware they won’t look as good as their cc’d counterparts. If you’re reading this and you were that person know that I love you as I am busy with work and haven’t had time to actually investigate this! You’re a lovely person and I hope you’re enjoying the save file now that it works! I’ve snipped their process under the cut. Thank you to the person on the sims forum who figured it out. This was caused by the Nadeau household, not sure why, but they’ve been deleted from the two sim saves and on my end this seems to have fixed the problem. This error was causing the game to kick you out and to the world menu when trying to enter build mode.

This is an update to my save file in which a build mode error has been fixed. Bekindtoyourself-darling’s ‘just make it better’ save file V.2.1 - Patch Update - Build Mode Error Fix!